Planipresse est une société de location de matériel audiovisuel située au dans le 15e arrondissement de Paris

For over 30 years now, PLANIPRESSE has provided both equipment and shooting services to the leading French TV networks, production companies and press and communications agencies.

We have a wide range of cameras , either ENG or live-production configurable, DSLR and DSLM camera bodies, large sensor cameras, PTZ cameras and broadcast camcorders. We offer multi-camera services flight-cased for quick and easy deployment to meet all kinds of shooting needs: concert videos, TV-shows, live events, conferences, etc…

Our preparation teams are on site 24/7. Reactivity is inherent to our company DNA, to offer a service that is expert, efficient and flexible.

Working hand in hand with PLANIMONTEUR, our independent post-production company, makes for optimal workflow analysis and streamlining of production and post-production choices.

Our DNA : attentiveness, advice, reactivity and accompaniment.

PLANIPRESSE is a member of FICAM   FICAM (Fédération des Industries Cinéma, Audiovisuel et Multimédia and a signatory of ECOPROD charter.

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