For over 30 years now, PLANIPRESSE has provided both equipment and shooting services to the leading French TV networks, production companies and press and communications agencies.
We have a wide range of cameras , either ENG or live-production configurable, DSLR and DSLM camera bodies, large sensor cameras, PTZ cameras and broadcast camcorders. We offer multi-camera services flight-cased for quick and easy deployment to meet all kinds of shooting needs: concert videos, TV-shows, live events, conferences, etc…
Our preparation teams are on site 24/7. Reactivity is inherent to our company DNA, to offer a service that is expert, efficient and flexible.
Working hand in hand with PLANIMONTEUR, our independent post-production company, makes for optimal workflow analysis and streamlining of production and post-production choices.
Our DNA : attentiveness, advice, reactivity and accompaniment.
PLANIPRESSE is a member of FICAM and a signatory of ECOPROD charter.